At Branson we take our commitment to student safety and well-being seriously.
2018年6月, three alumnae from the 1970s reported they were sexually abused by a former employee at the school while they were students at Branson. These allegations of abuse by a former Branson employee are profoundly upsetting. School administration immediately reported two of the alleged incidents to local law enforcement agencies in a manner that protected their anonymity. The third alumna reported the sexual abuse of the former Branson employee directly to the police herself, 正规赌博十大平台排行也跟进了自己的报告.
校董会聘请了两名律师, 南希·凯斯滕鲍姆和克拉拉·申, 科文顿律师事务所的 & Burling LLP to conduct a thorough and independent investigation into the specific reports recently received by Branson, to receive and investigate any new reports of adult sexual misconduct against any student by Branson faculty or staff, and to do additional investigation or follow-up as Ms. 凯斯滕鲍姆和琼斯女士. 申认为有必要. They had full access to Branson's files, records, and personnel in the course of their investigation. Ms. 凯斯滕鲍姆和琼斯女士. Shin have extensive and relevant investigative experience: Ms. Kestenbaum led the investigations concerning sexual misconduct undertaken by Choate Rosemary Hall and The Brearley School, and Ms. Shin participated in the recent cultural review undertaken by Uber. 他们和十大网赌平台推荐没有直接联系, and they and their firm had not represented the school previously.
正规赌博十大平台排行恭敬地鼓励任何有经历的人, 或者意识到, any sexual misconduct by any faculty or staff member that occurred during their time at Branson, or anyone who has information that may assist us in our investigation, 请联系米歇尔·琼斯, 十大网赌平台推荐的人力资源总监, at michelle_jones@xinronglawyer.com or 415-455-7126. The identity of anyone who reports information to this counsel will be handled as confidentially as the reporter wishes, and will not be shared without the reporter's consent –except as mandated by law or where, 根据律师的判断, 为了保护未成年人不受伤害,应该举报.
保护安全, 福利, 正规赌博十大平台排行学生的健康是, 永远都是, 正规赌博十大平台排行每天最关心的问题. It is clear that long-past transgressions can cause current pain and anguish, and we want to express our sorrow and support for members of our community who may be suffering. 为此目的, the Board has established a support fund (more information below) that is available to alumni to financially support any therapy or counseling they may need or desire as a result of adult sexual misconduct they experienced while students at Branson.
To file a report, please contact Michelle Jones, Director of Human Resources, michelle_jones@xinronglawyer.com or 415-455-7126
Local and national resources for survivors of sexual abuse or assault
- 克里斯蒂娜·马佐拉,十大网赌平台推荐校长, chris_mazzola@xinronglawyer.com
- Kelsey Acevedo-Soto:十大网赌平台推荐咨询总监 kelsey_acevedo-soto@xinronglawyer.com
- 惠特尼·利弗莫尔,十大网赌平台推荐学生生活主任, whitney_livermore@xinronglawyer.com
- 罗斯警察局:415-453-2727
- 海湾地区妇女反强奸:510-845-7273
- CA Coalition Against Sexual Assault: 661-327-1091 or 800-273-7713, calcasa.org/agencies/
- Charis Denison:性虐待顾问和教育家, cdenison@prajnaconsulting.com, 415-819-2272.
- 湾区妇女反强奸协会: www.BAWAR.org 热线:510-845-7273
- 强奸、虐待 & 乱伦国家网络(RAINN): rainn.org
- 全国性侵犯热线:800-656-4673
- 国家性暴力资源中心: www.nsvrc.org
- 国家犯罪受害者中心: nsvrc.org
- 有关男性性虐待的资料: malesurvivor.org